WASHINGTON ISLAND, WI – The Washington Island Observer newspaper and Washington Island Chamber of Commerce have announced the creation of a new video series designed to regularly communicate Island news and provide insight into how the Island has been coping with the current coronavirus health crisis.
The ISLAND REPORT video series features short Zoom-recorded interviews with local business owners, government figures and island residents. The series’ debut episode offers an in-depth interview with Hoyt Purinton, president of the Washington Island Ferry Line by interviewer Julian Hagen, a local musician and business owner.
Among other revelations, Purinton discussed how the Ferry Line has changed its previous boarding and ferry ride procedures in response to the pandemic, and noted that the company continues to be guided by the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an operating component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The new video series is being produced by Door County Digital, the video production unit of Door Guide Publishing in Sister Bay, the publishers of the Door County Go! Guide and Door County Dining Guide. Bill Youmans is film director on the new series, John Nelson is producer.
“The major challenge in creating this important video communication,” said Nelson, “was the need to film it without setting foot on the Island. We were duly impressed by Zoom’s capabilities, which allowed us to partially record in HD (high definition). The only limitation was the strength of Island broadband, which like the rest of the county, has been diminished by the huge recent increase in quarantined and self-isolating users.” Watch the first episode of ISLAND REPORT: https://youtu.be/VN9F-fUMpig